Wednesday, January 15, 2014


I have gone back and forth about posting this...I started it days ago and wasn't sure if it was something I wanted out there - but maybe others are feeling the same way...maybe I am in a world all my own...

So many times there are so many things I want to say, of course I am in the most horrible places to write these things down - going to the bathroom, sitting in the tub, driving down the road - those are my thinking places.  It all sounds good in my head and then I have to remember what I wanted to here is my attempt...

Do you ever feel unworthy?  Like what you aren't doing isn't measuring up to others?  I'm talking about sharing my faith - showing my faith - living my faith.  I read and see so many people and it just pours from their mouths like poetry and it's not all up in your face, but what I need to hear.  But then I think about doing that myself and I get shy.  I don't want my parents to know that I am growing in my faith.  Why?  I don't want to tell people.  Why?  Am I afraid they will think that all I will talk about is Jesus?  Am I worried that I won't live up to what I want to do?  I don't even want to put things on here that my parents will read about church and Jesus.  Why?  Am I afraid they will be proud of me?  What is my problem????

When I was growing up, I would ask my dad questions about church.  I wanted a one sentence answer, but being the daughter of a preacher, I got a whole lot more.  And it got to a point in the conversation where I would simply say, "I don't want to hear anymore."  I needed simple answers, but my dad was not about simple answers.  I probably stuck my fingers in my ears a few times when he wouldn't stop talking.  Being honest here.

I still have lots of questions, and I know where to go, but I don't.  Not like I should.  I read blogs and I am so jealous of their outpouring of faith and the churches they go to and the women's ministries they are a part of and all these women in their life who are amazing mentors.  Yes, I am jealous.  I want that.  I want to go to a church and not look at someone who raises their hands like they grew a tail.  It's not what I grew up with, and it was very odd when someone did it the first time, but why on earth did I judge them for praising in their own way.  I want to go to a church or have a group of women who I can meet with and study the Bible, talk about things, laugh together, cry together, pray together.  I want to be involved in a church that fits me and what I need.  I have always said I did not like contemporary churches because of the bands and music, and wanted to stay in a more traditional church that sang hymns out of the hymnal, because that's what I grew up in - and I love it, but maybe I need more.

And here I am wondering what others will think of me for writing this.  What are my parents going to think.  What is my husband going to think (if he reads this)?

WHY AM I SO WORRIED?!?!?!?!  I feel bad for worrying and then start to worry what God thinks of me.  Yep, I have some issues.

I worry way too much about what people think of me.  I worry they will not like me, or make fun of me, or something.  I have all these ideas in my head about what I want to do, what I want to be like, what I know I should be doing...the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  That should be scrolling across my forehead. 

I pray every day, every night; I have been listening to Christian music and it makes a difference; I have been trying to keep up with my devotional, I need to do it in the morning.  So what am I so afraid of?  Am I afraid that something will happen and change me? 

I have grown up in church.  All I ever knew was church.  But was I really open?  I read a really good quote today from an author and blogger I have been following...

Not that there is anything wrong with a great sermon series...

I know I am rambling, and even started this post days ago, but afraid to really put myself out there....
I have even had nightmares about my losing a tooth and having my big toenail fall off - and I looked up dream interpretations and they both go along with fearing the disapproval of others.  Go figure....

I just want to be me, but a better version of me.  Maybe I have given myself the answer by writing this.  Maybe I have known the answer all along. 

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